
I: Episode Ten

Things get complicated.

View this episode on YouTube here.


Anonymous said...

When is episode 11 coming out? this show is just soooo brilliant, and i think the "girlfriend" edition is pretty cool coz everyone loves a love story though this one might not b like any other....soooo soooo cool!!!! absolutely brilliant!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the chick, she's a vain prat...she acts all rich and famous, she's annoying...

Anonymous said...

Today I saw for the first time this amazing idea, and i love it. congrats to people who made this fantastic video blog. In one episodes i did read some spanish text, thats cool!! can`t wait to see episodes 11. keep working on this blog. again congratulations from chile, bye.

crestin said...

i don't know, I think she could turn out to be just as interesting as I. He clearly (and justifiably) is thrown by this whole experience, whereas she has the differing approach... seemingly ok with it, but apprehensive to an extent as well. Interested to see how this will develop!

Anonymous said...

omg this is reveting you don't know if they'll except it or not. If the girl will get with the guy. If they ever get to stop or if the just go with the flow and make the plot thicken, hope its the latter it would make for great video. And please get episode 11 going I'm jumping in my seat just waiting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Soy de Argentina, y me acabo de enamorar! Vi los 10 episodios de un tirĂ³n.

I'm from Argentina, and I'm already in love. Date ME ! ^^ Of course I don't like her...

Waiting for episode 11 !

Fins For Feet said...

i was just looking at youtube and then i chanced upon "Connect with I", and watched 10 episodes in one sitting. It's amazing. It's kinda amusing on how people react differently on similar predicaments. I just sometimes pause and think that things would be much different if I am not the "viewer", but the "viewed at". Makes me think how I would react. ;p Can't wait for the next episode. ;p

Andy Cantor said...

Brilliant show! Can't wait for more episodes! Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Under the spreading chestnut tree / I sold you / You sold me.

crestin said...

oh, and what about the foreign roommate??

Alo said...

I, remember there are a lot of us here, you have to start to discern from those of us who will try to help and those who are just taunting you. We are all watching, but some of us will help...if you let us.

kristinb said...

I have nothing interesting to say. I like the show. I wish it was longer. Let's see if you can throw in some non-white people too.

Striker said...

I, i think that it may still workout between her, just becuz...well yah...um...shes I number 2. and she knows now! ha ha victory!

days-of-a-G said...

Its cool to have no life and watch somebody who also has no life. This is a revolutionary idea. I feel like viewers are all assholes (even myself). Buy I is a bigger asshole for not participating. The concept is not difficult. Your life has been taken over. Deal with it. You are now a slave to the system.

Anonymous said...

dude, this is great! It came all the way to Argentina.
Better than most tv shows.
The girl is really beautiful

Anonymous said...

wounder if they'll watch themselves online?

Anonymous said...

That girl is neat twist, I wonder were her foreign roommate's from. I hope she's from somewere intersting, like France. Either way, the concept of this is really neat.

Unknown said...

I hope they get togeather, I'd like to see these two hit it off.

Anonymous said...

the male I is kinda of stiff...maybe that scarf is choking the fun out of him...love him though anyway

Anonymous said...

Brilliant decision to watch the girl, but she seems cliche. Give me something I'm not expecting from her. Maybe there's a skeleton in her closet that we find out.

Anonymous said...

I like "I".
It is very funny to see how "I" gets more and more paranoid.
The subtextes are like a kind of inner voice and always a big laugh. The soundtrack is awesome. I like the actor of "I" because I never saw someone play the underdog as good as "I".
But Someone should remind "I's" brother that he is not on a theatre stage because I think he is a great actor but he really goes a bit over the top. I although like the girl she is so sassy.
I want to say Thanks to the guy who posted the thing with the bars in the last shot in episode six. I did't get it when i watched the episode the first time and i was very impressed as i saw it on the second view.
Sorry if my english is difficult to understand it's has been a long time since i was the last time in England. And in germany i doesn't have to speak english that often.
So I just want to thank u one more time for "I". Bye

Anonymous said...

When is the next episode comming I want to see more!!!

Anonymous said...

Bring me Epi 11!!

Anonymous said...

She I's room mate should connect with he I's brother. And then big brother should learn her foreign language but suck totally at it!!! That would make for good comic relief if he spoke "spaglish" to the foreign roommate and she was really something like russian.

Anonymous said...

This is ingenious! I think they should both get a tent and sleep in. Then they'd be away from the cameras (not that I want them to, but it would make a fun plot).